From The Studio
This is a neck-piece that I’ve been working on in the studio. Similar to the pieces that I made for my recent show at Craftland, this piece is made of monochromatic glass beads encased in a tube of knit thread,…
This is a neck-piece that I’ve been working on in the studio. Similar to the pieces that I made for my recent show at Craftland, this piece is made of monochromatic glass beads encased in a tube of knit thread,…
bruum… bruumm… bruuuuummmpttt! I just got finished installing my new necklaces for the Material Desire show that’s opening at Craftland on Thursday night! I’m surprisingly pleased with how the work looks. For this exhibition, I am showing 11 new neckpieces…
This is a grouping of some necklaces that I am working on for the upcoming Material Desires show at Craftland. The show opens on February 12th, so I’m going a little mad right now trying to put finishing touches on…
Here are two more images from the knit pieces that I’ve been working on lately. The one that has white beads has been encased in the retroglo… I love it!
I’m pretty excited to have finally gotten all the components together for these new necklaces I’ve been working one. I am using a knitting machine to knit tube that is then filled with glass beads. The image I’ve attached is…
I’ve been working on some new designs that will be laser cut out of neoprene. At the risk of sounding overly self-assured, I’m pretty excited about the things that I’ve been working on lately. I’ve been using a wider range…
Sometimes thing look really bad before they’re finished… This is one of those times.
I’ve been inspired to revisit some thoughts that I had been working on in the past. It could have been all this thinking about color, or maybe I just need a break from the monochromatic color scheme that’s currently encompassing…
This image has been posted in my studio for years; and after staring at it for a while tonight it has answered a lot of the questions that I’ve been asking myself lately and has also helped me resolve some…
Here is a picture of some new memento mori rings that i’ve got in the works… Actually I just wanted to try to update my blog from my cell phone! I hope this goes through…