Islay Taylor

Islay Taylor

Buy me this!

So, I was just trolling the internet… gratuitously procrastinating because I really should be doing some work right now… when I came across this amazing carpet! Designed by the Amsterdam based firm, 70f, these over-sized doilies are literally crocheted out…

First Lovelock

The first lock has been affixed to the newly designated space for commemorative padlocks! Actually, I encouraged my parents to be the first pair to use a lock to symbolize themselves. My father is a pretty dedicated collector of tools…

Bad-Ass Wedding Rings

Wendi Woodland brought these wedding rings to my attention, they are pretty amazing! The set is by Canadian Artist Kiley Granberg. I appreciate the use of simple hardware, and how the pieces actually interlock. Also, I’m really glad that the…

Check out this beautiful lamp lady! She’s painted on the wall of a wig shop/hair salon here is Austin… The detail of the crystal is wonderful, and really has a Victorian feel to it. I also like the how much…

I was recently visiting a friends house, when I notice a captivating collection of iridescent blue baubles in her dining room. Upon closer inspection, the mysterious little beauties turned out to be a collection of delicate brass jewelry with a…


73: Blame It on Art The darker side of the art world: petty jealousies, competitiveness, failure. And also what’s so great about art. PROLOGUE. Foreign correspondent Jim Biederman reports from a cell phone inside the Louvre, in front of the…

She Works Hard For The Money

This morning I had errands to run at the Providence City Hall. While I was there, I had the opportunity to check out the current exhibition, She Works Hard For The Money, curated by Rebecca Siemering. The show is really…

I am currently on sabbatical, and will return to teaching in mid March. If you'd like to work together upon my return, please shoot me an email.