Islay Taylor

Islay Taylor


My work has been featured on the Crafthaus website. Crafthaus is a online community that caters to contemporary craft artists. It’s a great website, because it provides a place for designers and craftspeople to communicate and promote the field of…

In The Studio

I’ve been thinking about light a lot recently, and how light can activate specific reflective materials. I’m trying to work organically, letting these pieces ‘grow’ on their own. These pieces will change drastically once they are on the body, but…

Common Things

I recently revisited the work of Pablo Neruda, specifically his poem Odes to Common Things. Below is the last stanza, this excerpt articulates the impact that the objects around us have on our being. I appreciate his adoration of the…

I am currently on sabbatical, and will return to teaching in mid March. If you'd like to work together upon my return, please shoot me an email.