I’ve been following Meighan O’Toole’s amazing blog, My Love For You, for quite a while now. Meighan has created a repository of amazing makers, I got to her webspace for a stimulating mental vacation and to view inspirating works from two and three dimensional artists…
Imagine my surprise this morning when I find an email in my inbox from a friend congratulating me on having my work on her website! After clicking through the link that was provided in the email, I found a post about my Pro Nailz rings! Needless to say, I’m increadibly honored to have Meighan dedicate a blog post to me, and I feel like an overly excited nerd about joining the ranks of the artists included in My Love For You.
Thanks to Meighan for acknowledging my work, and for having such kind words about it.
And thanks to Wendi, for liking my work (and me) enough to share!

Congratulations—your work is totally awesome, and I was so happy to have been introduced to it over at My Love For You.
OMG I love this idea I also wrote about your rings on my blog I love them! But my readers need to know where they can purchase them
Hannah, Thanks so much for the kind compliments, I really appreciate it!
Miss Infamous, wow! Thank you so much for liking my work enough to post about it. Currently, these pieces are available through Alloy Gallery in Newport, RI ( http://www.alloygallery.com, the Opulent Project ( http://www.theopulentproject.com ), or directly from myself ( my email is on my website).