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New Mourning Pieces

I’ve been working pretty diligently to get some new pieces of mourning jewelry finished up. I just had some necklaces documented that used horse hair, sterling silver, and jet beads in the design. The new pieces that I’m working on…

SNEAK PREVIEW! This is a picture I took at Alloy Gallery last night when Tamar and I were hanging my work for the opening on Thursday night. Tamar found some packaging tape with an ornate frame motif printed on it,…

This image was sent to my by Kelly Kinser, who took it while on a trip to Spain… beautiful!

Bad-Ass Wedding Rings

Wendi Woodland brought these wedding rings to my attention, they are pretty amazing! The set is by Canadian Artist Kiley Granberg. I appreciate the use of simple hardware, and how the pieces actually interlock. Also, I’m really glad that the…

I am currently on sabbatical, and will return to teaching in mid March. If you'd like to work together upon my return, please shoot me an email.