It’s the final count down…

In the eternal words of Europe, It’s The Final Count Down… I’ve only got a few days left until my upcoming deadline of a photo shoot, and my studio is a mess as I try to get organized for the documentation. The picture is of the mourning necklaces that I’ve been working on spread out all over my work bench. Also, I’d like to point out that my grandmother made that work bench… pretty amazing!!! I’ve got three necklaces, two brooches, and four rings to finish by the end of the week, how will I ever stay sane!

UPDATE: After my Mother read this post she called me up to give me more information about my work bench. As it turns out, although the work bench was my Grandmas, she didn’t actually make it… AND it’s much older than I thought! Apparently this work bench was gifted to my Great-Grandfather (my Grandmas father) from the Poppenhusen Institute
of College Point, NY. The Poppenhusen Institute is an independent

education center that was founded in the 1860’s and has been in operation ever since. What’s really neat about the Poppenhusen is that their charter mandates that they were open to all students; so they even taught women and african americans during a time that nobody else would. I guess my Great-Grandfather was given three of these benches, which were made at the school. My Father has one, I have one, and I don’t know where the third went. Maybe my Mom will comment on this post and clear up any of the misinformation that I’ve posted here…

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